About Us
Unitarian Universalists are diverse in faith, ethnicity, history, and spirituality. We align in a desire to make a difference for the good in our world.
Ours is a non-creedal faith tradition, offering a new dawn and a new day for many. It includes religious believers, sceptics, faith seekers and those turned away from other religions. Interfaith couples are fully accepted, as are all ethnic backgrounds, gender identifications and sexual orientations. Chaplains oversee marriages and funerals for all, including same-sex couples and the unaffiliated.
Unitarians can continue to follow the religious convictions of their heritage. This reflects a belief in the acceptance of one another and the worth and dignity of every person. We encourage the freedom of belief and exploring together. It is about pursuing one's own path in search of an ultimate truth.
The Unitarian Congregation of Niagara (UCN) is a lay-led congregation, small and loving. We meet each week Sundays for a morning service, exploring the mysteries and beauty of our lives and how best to serve in a distressed world. Interest groups meet throughout the week as well.
A symbolic chalice burns within each of us. We have a Covenant to govern our relations with each other and with others.
We are guided by Eight Principles, and Six Sources sum up our core values.
Ours is a non-creedal faith tradition, offering a new dawn and a new day for many. It includes religious believers, sceptics, faith seekers and those turned away from other religions. Interfaith couples are fully accepted, as are all ethnic backgrounds, gender identifications and sexual orientations. Chaplains oversee marriages and funerals for all, including same-sex couples and the unaffiliated.
Unitarians can continue to follow the religious convictions of their heritage. This reflects a belief in the acceptance of one another and the worth and dignity of every person. We encourage the freedom of belief and exploring together. It is about pursuing one's own path in search of an ultimate truth.
The Unitarian Congregation of Niagara (UCN) is a lay-led congregation, small and loving. We meet each week Sundays for a morning service, exploring the mysteries and beauty of our lives and how best to serve in a distressed world. Interest groups meet throughout the week as well.
A symbolic chalice burns within each of us. We have a Covenant to govern our relations with each other and with others.
We are guided by Eight Principles, and Six Sources sum up our core values.