We meet Sundays at 11 a.m. for an hour of inspiration, meditation, music and conversation. Coffee hour follows.
Sunday service is lay-led by senior members of our congregation. From time to time it will include a visiting Unitarian Universalist minister or special guest speaker. We may share a service with another UU congregation online. Joys and concerns of our congregants are voiced and in doing so we garner support from everyone.
Service themes may include a story about our Unitarian tradition or a social action strategy that is helping our community. It may be a discussion about climate change or racism, LGBTQ human rights or homelessness. It’s a talk about interesting lives led. Live and recorded music, poetry and moments of reflection are included.
Many of our services are also available on Zoom. You can use our contact form to obtain information on joining online.
Upcoming Sunday Services
Monthly Theme for December 2025: Liberating Love
Sunday, January 26, 2025: Revolutionary Love. Service lead by Liina Veer and Kathryn Waugh.
Previous Sunday Services
Sunday, April 14: Our 7th UU Principle: Respect for Interdependence, LesLee Turmel
Sunday, April 21: Earth Day, Mary-Lyn Harper
Sunday, May 5: UCN's 70th Anniversary Sunday Celebration, Rev. Norm Horofker, visiting minister
Sunday, May 12: Our 8th UU Principle: Dismantling Racism & Barriers
Sunday, May 26: Housing and Homelessness in Niagara: Syl Roach, visiting speaker. Shaun Ironside, Service Leader.
Sunday, June 2: UCN Picnic
Sunday, June 9: Flower Communion: Kathryn Waugh, Service Leader.
Sunday, June 16: TBA: Fred Harland, Service Leader.
Sunday, June 23: Goddess Remembered, NFB film. Liina Veer, Service Leader.
Sunday, June 30: Memories of Campfires Sing-a-long: Andrea Crecco & Avril Beaubien, Service Leaders. Banjo music by Susan Velkers.
July 7 - Global Warming - Living on the Edge" - Erdwin Hueniken
July 14 - "Autism" - Andrea Crecco
July 21 - "Your favourite 'Story for all ages" - Matt Virro
July 28 - Thirty Years Of Plein Air Painting: From Watercolour to Digital Painting.
Aug 4 - Four kinds of regret, a TED Talk by Daniel Pink. Service led by Fred Harland.
Aug 11 - "Music with a Message" - Maurice Turmel
Aug 18 - "Global Warming - Living on the edge of a volcano" - Erdwin Hueniken
Aug 25 - " Toltec wisdom, as presented in the Don Miguel Ruiz book, The Four Agreements. Service led by Eva Schwartzentruber
Sept 1 - "Report from the Canadian Unitarian Council general assembly" - Brian Jones
Sept 8 - Water Communion service - Rev. Pat Trudeau & Shaun Ironside
Sept 15 - Positive Living Niagara
Sept 22 - Kathryn Waugh and Liina Veer
Sept 29 - No morning service.
Oct 6: "Generosity and Gratitude are Linked." Led by Rev. Pat Trudeau
Oct 13: Thanksgiving Service
Oct 20: "The Common Good" led by Matt Virro
Oct 27: "Scarcity vs Abundance" Led by Eva Schwartzentruber and Mary-lyn Hooper
Sunday Nov. 3: Rev Pat Trudeau will be with us as we begin the monthly theme of Heritage.
Sunday Nov. 10: November Paul Pipher will present 'War is Peace'.
Sunday, Nov. 17: Heritage - A Continuum
December 8 - Karen and Penny and the UCN Choir will present a service filled with music for the season called 'Christmas is a Feeling and a Song'
December 15 - Paul will present 'Words and Music for Christmas'
December 22 - Liina and Kathryn guide us in the recognition of the Winter Solstice
December 29 - Mary-lyn will lead a service, topic TBA
January 5, 2025 - Liberating Love, with Rev. Pat Trudeau
January 12 - Views of Liberating Love, insight within our faith traditions as Unitarians and Universalists.
January 19 - Aspects of Love, led by Guy and Eva.