Prayer or Meditation
The words "Let us pray" or "Please join me in the spirit of prayer and meditation" may be included before any prayer or meditation.
Sample 1
Eternal God, creative source of life, in the midst of which we live and move and have our being; in thy name are we met together, to witness and to bless the union of these two lives. May they be a blessing and a comfort, each to the other, sharers of each other's joys, consolers of each other’s sorrows, helpers of each other, in all the chances and changes of the world. In perfect love and creative peace, may they keep themselves, fulfilling in their very beings the laws of creative life. Amen.
Sample 2
We pray rich blessings upon _______ and _______ who in the presence of eternity and in the sight of this company have pledged unto each other all that mind and heart and hand can give.
May they ever remain faithful to the vows taken this day. In serenity of spirit may they learn to face with courage and patience whatever afflictions may be visited upon them or those whom they love.
For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health may the love which they have for one another grow in meaning and strength until its beauty is made manifest in a common devotion to all that is compassionate and life-giving.
Learning to serve one another in a partnership of love, may they learn to serve the highest ends of humanity itself and thus become witnesses to the sacredness of life in the midst of each common day. Amen.
Sample 3
Today we pray for the lives of _______ and _______ together. We pray for concord and creativity as well as for love and laughter. We pray for joy, that they may share it with others, and for their home, that it may be a temple for that which is beautiful and good and true. We pray for courage when there is pain, and for humility when fortune favours them.
As they share the richer experiences of life, so may their hearts and minds increase in understanding, and their bond become even stronger.
May _______ and _______ carry the past gracefully with them in all the years of their sojourn, and with an equal measure of hope ever face the future unafraid. Amen.
Sample 4
May the springtime's beauty remain in your marriage and in your home.
May there be warmth and gentleness, growing and courage, love and care.
May there be joy and song of life through all the days that lie ahead.
Sample 5
Loving and gracious God (Spirit of Life/ Love), we are grateful for your presence [or: We are grateful for the presence of Love in our lives, in our relationships, in the beauty of nature and in the love that moves through and between us.] We are thankful for the safe arrival of family and friends. At this time we also want to bring to our minds and hearts those people who are not here to share in this celebration- family and friends who are unable to attend, and those departed from us. (especially…..). May their presence in spirit be strong among us today.
Sample 1
Eternal God, creative source of life, in the midst of which we live and move and have our being; in thy name are we met together, to witness and to bless the union of these two lives. May they be a blessing and a comfort, each to the other, sharers of each other's joys, consolers of each other’s sorrows, helpers of each other, in all the chances and changes of the world. In perfect love and creative peace, may they keep themselves, fulfilling in their very beings the laws of creative life. Amen.
Sample 2
We pray rich blessings upon _______ and _______ who in the presence of eternity and in the sight of this company have pledged unto each other all that mind and heart and hand can give.
May they ever remain faithful to the vows taken this day. In serenity of spirit may they learn to face with courage and patience whatever afflictions may be visited upon them or those whom they love.
For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health may the love which they have for one another grow in meaning and strength until its beauty is made manifest in a common devotion to all that is compassionate and life-giving.
Learning to serve one another in a partnership of love, may they learn to serve the highest ends of humanity itself and thus become witnesses to the sacredness of life in the midst of each common day. Amen.
Sample 3
Today we pray for the lives of _______ and _______ together. We pray for concord and creativity as well as for love and laughter. We pray for joy, that they may share it with others, and for their home, that it may be a temple for that which is beautiful and good and true. We pray for courage when there is pain, and for humility when fortune favours them.
As they share the richer experiences of life, so may their hearts and minds increase in understanding, and their bond become even stronger.
May _______ and _______ carry the past gracefully with them in all the years of their sojourn, and with an equal measure of hope ever face the future unafraid. Amen.
Sample 4
May the springtime's beauty remain in your marriage and in your home.
May there be warmth and gentleness, growing and courage, love and care.
May there be joy and song of life through all the days that lie ahead.
Sample 5
Loving and gracious God (Spirit of Life/ Love), we are grateful for your presence [or: We are grateful for the presence of Love in our lives, in our relationships, in the beauty of nature and in the love that moves through and between us.] We are thankful for the safe arrival of family and friends. At this time we also want to bring to our minds and hearts those people who are not here to share in this celebration- family and friends who are unable to attend, and those departed from us. (especially…..). May their presence in spirit be strong among us today.